The following accessory uses and structures are allowed when customarily associated with, and subordinate to, a permitted residential use on the same development site and when consistent with the approved site development permit for the project.
   (A)   Uses which include:
      (1)   Garages and carports;
      (2)   Fences and walls;
      (3)   Patio covers; and
      (4)   Swimming pools.
   (B)   All signs except roof signs or projecting signs.
   (C)   Noncommercial keeping of pets and animals.
   (D)   Home occupations.
   (E)   Manager’s unit which is exempt from affordability requirements.
   (F)   Child day care facility.
   (G)   Accessory uses and structures which the Director finds consistent with the design of the development project and consistent with the purpose and intent of these regulations.
   (H)   Assembly halls.
(Ord. 1242, passed 5-7-12)