The City Council may, by resolution, create or designate particular areas within the city as dog parks. Persons have custody of dogs at dog parks will comply with the following:
(A) Owner present. Dogs will not be present at a dog park without an owner or custodian.
(B) Hours. The dog park will be open from dawn to dusk, seven days a week.
(C) Aggressive dogs. Aggressive dogs are not permitted in the dog park.
(D) Food. Food is not permitted in the park; dogs are not fed in the park.
(E) Clean up and supervision. Owners must supervise and clean up after dogs.
(F) Children. Children under 12 years of age must be supervised by an adult.
(G) Age and vaccination. Dogs must be at least four months old and vaccinated to be permitted in the dog park.
(H) Dogs in heat. Dogs in heat are not permitted in the dog park.
(I) Spiked dog collars. Spiked dog collars are not permitted in the dog park.
(J) Bikes or similar items. No bikes, rollerblades, roller skates, strollers or similar items are permitted in the dog park.
(K) Leash. Owners must have a leash available at all times.
(L) Parking. Parking regulations must be followed at all times.
(M) Liability. Dog owners are liable for any injuries or damage caused by their dog(s).
(N) License. All dogs must be currently licensed.
(O) Trainers. Professional dog trainers are not permitted to conduct training at the dog park.
(P) Maximum number of dogs. No person may bring more than three dogs to the park at one time.
(Q) Prohibited behavior. The following behaviors must be stopped immediately:
(1) Prolonged growling;
(2) Mounting or pinning of other dogs.
(Ord. 1224, passed 2-16-10)