Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the following definitions govern the construction of the words and phrases used in this chapter.
   IMPERVIOUS SURFACE means a constructed or modified surface that cannot effectively percolate water. The terms includes, without limitation, sidewalks, driveways, gutters, and roads.
   PERSON means a natural or corporate person who receives potable water service from the city.
   PROGRAMMED means a weather-based or sensor-based irrigation controller that was programmed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and site-specific conditions.
   RESPONSIBLE PERSON means the person responsible for daily operations of each residential or commercial premises located within the city's jurisdiction including, without limitation, the property owner.
   SENSOR-BASED IRRIGATION CONTROLLER means an irrigation controller that operates based upon input received from any combination of sensors such as rain, light, and soil moisture, installed within or around an irrigated landscape area.
   WEATHER-BASED IRRIGATION CONTROLLER means an irrigation controller that operates based on evapotranspiration rates and historic or real-time weather data.
(Ord. 1222, passed 12-7-09)