§ 16.230.030 PROCEEDINGS.
   (A)   The establishment of a home occupation within any residential dwelling unit will be regulated by a one-time application and fee.
   (B)   An application for a home occupation permit must be submitted to the Planning Department on forms supplied by the Department. The applicant must provide information required by the application and any additional information requested by the Planning Department to assist in the review of the permit request.
   (C)   The application must be referred to the Planning Director or appointed designee for review and to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The Planning Director or designee will have the authority to consult with other city departments regarding the proposed application. As part of the application review an inspection by the Building and Safety Department will be conducted.
   (D)   Within ten days of receiving a completed application, the Planning Director will act to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application. Any decision of the Director may be appealed to the Planning Commission pursuant to Chapter 16.206 (Appeals and Revocations) of this Title 16.
   (E)   The dwelling in which the home occupation is being conducted shall be open for inspection to city personnel, at reasonable times during normal business hours, for the purpose of inspecting to determine whether or not the conditions of this section are being complied with.
(Ord. 1162, passed 6-19-06)