§ 16.222.030 PROCEEDINGS.
   (A)   Planning Director investigation. The Planning Director or his designee shall investigate the application and proposal, including the analysis of precedent cases as appropriate.
   (B)   Notice of receipt of application and comment period. Upon five days of deeming the application complete pursuant to the provisions of § 16.202.030 of this Title 16, the Planning Director shall mail or deliver notice of the application to all persons, including businesses, corporation, or other people or private entities owning real property within a radius of 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property which is the subject of the application. Said notice shall describe the proposed application and invite persons to comment in writing on the application. The notice shall provide for a 10-day comment period, commencing upon the delivery or mailing of said notice.
   (C)   Planning Director action.
      (1)   Following the 10-day public comment period, and upon considering all communications received, the Planning Director may:
         (a)   Render a decision to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Minor Modification application;
         (b)   Continue the matter for a specified time to allow for further investigation; or
         (c)   Decline to make a decision on the basis that the matter requires consideration by the Planning Commission.
      (2)   The Planning Director shall notify the applicant and appropriate public officials of the decision.
      (3)   Any applicant, interested person, or public official may appeal any decision of the Planning Director regarding a Minor Modification to the Planning Commission in accord with the procedures set forth in Chapter 16.206 (Appeals and Revocations) of this Title 16.
(Ord. 1104, passed 7-19-04)