(A)   A noticed public hearing will be held before any final action is taken to establish, disestablish or alter the boundary of any agricultural preserve.
   (B)   Notice of the public hearing to establish or alter an agricultural preserve must be provided as follows:
      (1)   By publication pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 6061;
      (2)   By written, mailed notice at least two weeks before the hearing to the Ventura County Local Agency Formation Commission;
      (3)   By written, mailed notice at least two weeks before the hearing to any city within one mile of the exterior boundaries of the agricultural preserve proposed to be established, disestablished or altered;
      (4)   By written, mailed notice to the applicant; and
      (5)   If land under contract is to be removed from an agricultural preserve or a preserve disestablished that contains land under contract, notice must be given in compliance with Cal. Gov’t Code § 51232.
(Ord. 1108, passed 6-21-04)