(A)   Identification of tree protection. Where any mature trees will affected by grading, other than trees for which removal will be permitted via a tree removal permit pursuant to Chapter 16.232 of this Title 16, details for retaining walls, drains, pruning, trimming, and the establishment of a drip line with respect to each such tree must be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and be included with the grading plan. Grading or activity detrimental to the health of such tree is prohibited to take place within an established drip line of the tree.
   (B)   Protective fences required. Prior to the commencement of grading, fences must be constructed around the established drip line of all such trees. The purpose of such fences is to prevent grading, heavy equipment work, and the storage or dumping of materials within the established drip lines of such trees. Grading or other site work within the established drip line must be only as authorized by the approved grading plan and must be supervised and approved by a landscape architect in attendance continuously during the progress of the work. Fences may be temporarily removed or omitted, upon the approval of the City Engineer or Building Official, to facilitate such authorized work. All such work must comply with the approved details to protect the tree.
   (C)   Coordination. Where mature trees could be affected by a grading operation, a field orientation meeting must take place prior to the commencement of the work when deemed necessary or desirable by the City Engineer or Building Official. The purpose of such meeting is to communicate the approved methods of grading and tree preservation to all parties involved with the grading operation. Such meeting should include the City Engineer or Building Official or their authorized representatives, a representative of the Planning Department, the permittee or his or her authorized representative, the landscape architect, and the soils engineer.
(Ord. 1103, passed 3-7-05)