(A)   As a condition for approving any Final Map, the subdivider must improve or agree to make all improvements for all land designated for streets, highways, public ways, and easements. Such improvements include streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, culverts, bridges, storm drains, sanitary sewers, permanent subdivision monuments, and other structures or improvements set forth in this division or as recommended by the Planning Commission and/or deemed by the City Council to be necessary for the general use of the lot owners in the subdivision and for traffic and drainage needs.
   (B)   All improvements must be installed to grades approved by the Engineer. Plans and specifications of proposed improvements must be furnished to the Engineer in conjunction with the Final Map. These plans and profiles must show full details of the proposed improvements in accordance with the most current city standards.
   (C)   The minimum improvements which the subdivider will be required to make at the subdivider's own cost in the subdivision before the acceptance and approval of the Final Map is as described generally below and in detail in this division:
      (1)   Fire hydrants and adequate distribution lines to provide adequate domestic water supply to each lot and sufficient fire protection to meet local neighborhood needs, as determined by the Fire Chief;
      (2)   City wastewater disposal system to each lot;
      (3)   Adequate drainage of the subdivision streets, highways, ways and alleys;
      (4)   Adequate grading and surfacing of streets, highways, ways and alleys;
      (5)   Curbs, gutters and sidewalks; and
      (6)   Permanent subdivision monuments.
(Ord. 1102, passed 6-7-04)