All new public streets proposed or required within or adjacent to a subdivision must be designed in accordance with adopted city street standards and the following requirements:
   (A)   Where a property for which a tentative or parcel map was filed is adjacent to a property which may be subject to a future subdivision, the review authority may require streets to be extended to the boundary of the adjacent property to allow for future access and street connections.
   (B)   Street intersections must be as near to right angles as practicable.
   (C)   Street grades between 6% and 10% are allowed only for limited distances in which, in the judgment of the review authority, topographical conditions make a lesser grade impractical. A grade exceeding 10% will be approved only when, in the judgment of the review authority, conclusive evidence shows that a lesser grade is physically impractical.
   (D)   Where an existing city street adjoins, passes through, or otherwise provides access to a proposed subdivision, the review authority may require dedication of additional right-of-way and/or improvements consistent with the General Plan Circulation Element.
   (E)   Permanent dead-end streets or cul-de-sacs must not exceed 660 feet in length.
   (F)   All streets within a subdivision must be named in accordance with City Council resolution.
(Ord. 1102, passed 6-7-04)