(A)   The Director may impose conditions upon the granting of a Certificate of Compliance in the event that the real property does not comply with applicable provisions of the Act and this Title. Such conditions are limited to those requirements that would have been applicable to the division of the property at the time the applicant acquired interest therein. However, if the current owners were responsible for the division, then current requirements of this article may be imposed.
   (B)   The Director will forward the application and related information to the Design Review Committee for review. Related information must include references to state law and city ordinances that were in effect at the time the property was subdivided.
   (C)   The Design Review Committee may impose conditions on the approval of the Conditional Certificate of Compliance. Any decision of the Design Review Committee regarding imposition of conditions may be appealed to the Planning Commission.
   (D)   If no appeals are filed within the designated appeal period, the Director must issue a Conditional Certificate of Compliance and cause such Conditional Certificate of Compliance to be recorded with the Ventura County Recorder.
(Ord. 1102, passed 6-7-04)