The original Final Map and one duplicate reproducible copy must be submitted to the Engineer, accompanied by the following:
   (A)   In the event any dedication is to be made for public use, a certificate of title, a subdivision guarantee, or a dedication letter in the name of the owner of the land, issued to or for the benefit and protection of the city by a title company authorized by the laws of the state to write such letter, showing all parties whose consent is necessary to pass clear title to the land being subdivided, together with the nature of their interests therein, except where the land contained in such subdivision is registered under the Land Registration Act ("Torrens Act"), in which latter case a certified copy of the certificate of title is furnished.
   (B)   A white print of the Final Map showing the contemplated location of installations of facilities or all public utilities, whether publicly or privately owned, with a statement of the proposed work, with such statement to be filed by the Engineer.
   (C)   A grading plan as required by the Engineer.
   (D)   The subdivider must file, either at the time of filing the Final Map at a later date as provided in this Division, detailed plans and specifications of the improvements to be installed as required by the provisions of this article and of all other improvements proposed to be installed by the subdivider in, on, or under any street or right-of-way, easement, or parcel of land dedicated by the map, including the estimated cost thereof.
   (E)   The subdivider may file multiple Final Maps on the approved tentative map, subject to the Engineer's approval.
   (F)   The Final Map must meet the requirements of the Act and be in the form and contain the required data set forth in this section.
   (G)   The Final Map must be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer or licensed surveyor and be based upon a property survey.
   (H)   The scale of the map must be large enough (not smaller than 1 inch equals 100 feet) to show details clearly and enough sheets must be used to accomplish this end.
   (I)   The title of each Final Map must consist of a name and a tract number, as secured from the county surveyor, conspicuously placed at the lower right hand corner of the sheet, followed by the words "consisting of              sheets" (showing the number thereof), followed by the words "in the City of Santa Paula" or "partly in the City of Santa Paula and partly in unincorporated territory."
   (J)   Every sheet of the map property must bear the title (but not subtitle), scale, north arrow, sheet number, and the number of each adjoining sheet in its proper location.
   (K)   A subtitle, describing all property being subdivided, must appear below the title. The subtitle must reference any map of the property that was previously recorded or filed in the County Recorder's office; or previously filed with the County Clerk pursuant to a final judgment in any action in partition; or which have been previously filed in the office of the County Recorder under authority of Cal. Gov’t Code § 66499.55; or by reference to the plat of any United States survey.
   (L)   Each reference in such description to any tract or subdivision must be spelled out and worded identically with the original record thereof and show a complete reference to the book and page of records of such county.
   (M)   The description must also include reference to any vacated area, with the number of the ordinance of vacation included.
   (N)   The name of the surveyor, survey date, and scale must appear on the title sheet below the subtitle. The map must also show the basis of bearings, making reference to some recorded subdivision map, county surveyor's map, or other record acceptable to such county surveyor, or to a solar or polaris observation. The basis of bearings must not be close to the north arrow.
   (O)   The lots must be numbered consecutively, commencing with the number "1," with no omissions or duplications; provided, that where the subdivision is a continuation of or an addition to an existing subdivision, the lot numbers may commence with the number immediately following the last or highest number of each existing subdivision and in all other respects must conform with the preceding requirements.
   (P)   Each lot must be shown entirely on one sheet.
   (Q)   Blocks may be used, provided they are numbered or lettered consecutively.
   (R)   Proposed street names must conform with a City Council approved list of street names. The names of all proposed streets must be shown without abbreviations.
   (S)   All streets, highways, easements (except easements indicated for privately owned public utility companies), and parcels of land shown on the Final Map and intended for any public use must be offered for dedication for public use.
   (T)   A certification regarding reservation of easements to privately owned public utility companies must be included on the Final Map when applicable. This certificate may show that in no event, except when permission is obtained from public utility companies occupying such easement, may any dwelling house, building or other structure, except fences or any portion thereof, be erected in, upon, over, or across any such public utility easement.
   (U)   The following certificates and acknowledgments must appear on the title sheet of a Final Map:
      (1)   Owner's certificate and acknowledgment and offer of dedication, if any;
      (2)   Certificate of the City Clerk of approval by the City Council and acceptance of offer of dedication;
      (3)   Certificate of approval of the Engineer;
      (4)   Certificate of approval as to form by the City Attorney;
      (5)   Certificate of the subdivision engineer with the engineer's state registered engineer's number or of the subdivision surveyor with the surveyor's state licensed land surveyor's number.
      (6)   Such other affidavits, certificates, acknowledgments, endorsements, and notarial seals as are required by law.
   (V)   The Final Map must particularly define, delineate, and designate all lots intended for sale or reserved for private purposes; all parcels offered for dedication for any purpose; and any private streets with all dimensions, minimum lot sizes, boundaries and courses clearly shown and defined in every case.
   (W)   Parcels offered for dedication other than for streets or easements must be designated by number.
   (X)   Private streets must be designated by name and have inserted within the limits thereof the words "not a public street."
   (Y)   Sufficient linear, angular, and curve data must be shown to determine readily the bearing and length of the boundary lines of the subdivision and of the boundary lines of every block, lot, and parcel which is a part thereof. All lots and blocks are shown in their entirety on one sheet wherever practicable.
   (Z)   Arc lengths, radii, and central angle and radial bearing of each curve at intersection with a line not tangent to such curve are shown.
   (AA)   The Final Map must fully describe and show the location of any stakes, monuments, or other evidence to determine the boundaries of the subdivision. Each adjacent corner of each adjoining subdivision or portion thereof by lot and block numbers, tract names and place of record, or by section, township and range or other proper designation must be shown and identified on the map.
   (BB)   The location, size, and depth of all monuments placed in making the survey must be shown, and if any points were reset by ties, that fact must be noted.
   (CC)   The boundary of the subdivision must be indicated by a border of prussian blue water color or blue india ink approximately one-eighth of an inch wide, applied on the reverse side of the tracing and inside such boundary line.
   (DD)   Such water color must be of such density as to be transferable to white print of such map and not obliterate any line, figure, or other data appearing thereon.
   (EE)   All lines shown on the map that do not constitute a part of the subdivision itself must be clearly distinguishable from those lines which are a part of the subdivision, and any area enclosed by such lines is labeled "not a part of this subdivision."
   (FF)   City boundaries that cross or adjoin the subdivision must be clearly designated and located in relation to adjacent lot or block lines.
   (GG)   The Final Map must show the line of high water in instances where the subdivision is adjacent to a stream, channel, or any body of water. The Final Map must also show any area subject to periodic inundation by water, as required by the Engineer.
(Ord. 1102, passed 6-7-04)