(A)   Except as otherwise specified by a development agreement or pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 66452.6(a)(1), a tentative map expires 24 months after the date the map was approved.
   (B)   The person filing the tentative map may request an extension, pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 66452.6(e), or stay, pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 66452.6(c) of an approved tentative map by filing a written application with the Director before the map's expiration date. The application must state the reasons for requesting the extension or stay. Such application must be filed at least fifteen (15) days before the tentative map's expiration date.
   (C)   The Planning Commission will either approve, conditionally approve or deny extension requests. Within 40 days after receiving an application for a stay, the Planning Commission must either approve the requested stay for a period not exceeding five years or deny the application.
   (D)   Each extension of tentative map approval or conditional approval may be allowed for a period not exceeding one year from the anniversary date of the map's original approval. The total time of extensions cannot exceed five years. A stay may be for the period of time during which a lawsuit involving the tentative map is or was pending in a court of competent jurisdiction, not to exceed five years. The ultimate length of the extension or stay must be consistent with the Act.
   (E)   Modifications of a tentative map after approval or conditional approval cannot extend the time limits imposed by this section, unless an extension or stay is specifically granted.
(Ord. 1102, passed 6-7-04)