In addition to the sale of motor fuels, activities and services will be permitted, limited or precluded as set forth in this section.
   (A)   Rental of vehicles.
      (1)   The rental of automobiles, trucks, trailers, and similar vehicles may be permitted, provided the site contains adequate space for display and/or parking and further provided such rentals are displayed and/or parked in only an area so designated as part of the conditional use permit.
      (2)   Unless expressly stated otherwise as part of the conditional use permit, displaying and/or parking of rentals must not occur within 20 feet of any street frontage property line.
   (B)   Storage and display of merchandise.
      (1)   All new and used merchandise must be stored and displayed only within the service station building, except new and reconditioned tires, batteries, accessories, and lubrication items which are maintained in movable or enclosed cabinets or racks designed for the display and sale of said merchandise may be displayed outside.
      (2)   The location of enclosed cabinets and racks must be designated on the conditional use permit.
      (3)   Products which render an express convenience of service to the customer, such as pump island racks containing oil cans and additives, may be displayed under the pump island canopy when maintained in a cabinet or display rack. Such cabinets or racks must not obstruct vehicular access to the pump island.
   (C)   Body work, tire recapping and rental of heavy equipment prohibited. All painting, welding, body and fender repair, tire recapping and the rental of other heavy equipment and the sale and rental of other merchandise, other than that specified in this division, is expressly prohibited.
   (D)   Vending machines. Vending machines will be permitted only per the standards set forth in Chapter 16.74 of this Title 16.
   (E)   Temporary promotions.
      (1)   The sale and storage of merchandise not customarily related to the operation and maintenance of motor vehicles will be permitted with a Temporary Use Permit and subject to the requirements set forth in Chapter 16.228 (Temporary Use Permits) of this Title 16.
      (2)   Subparagraph (1) above does not apply to items which are provided free or at a reduced price to the customers with purchase of products from the service station.
   (F)   Public telephones. Public telephones are permitted, provided they will not be within 20 feet of any street frontage property line and are located to be visible from the public right-of-way and accessible on a 24-hour basis.
   (G)   Restriction on merchandise sale and rental. The sales and rental of any type of merchandise not related to the motoring public is prohibited.
   (H)   Tow truck and service vehicles. Tow trucks and similar service vehicles may be allowed if approved as part of the conditional use permit. Such vehicles must be parked only in an area expressly provided and approved as part of the conditional use permit.
   (I)   Use as commercial parking lot. The use of a service station as a commercial parking lot is prohibited, unless expressly approved as part of the conditional use permit.
   (J)   Storage and trash.
      (1)   Storage and trash must be kept only in areas approved as part of the conditional use permit, and must not be placed higher than the walls enclosing such areas.
      (2)   Trash may be collected in containers at the pump islands or inside buildings and service bays.
   (K)   Hours of operation. Hours of operation may be designated as part of the conditional use permit if exceptional circumstances exist, such as proximity to residential zones.
   (L)   Removal, overhaul and replacement of engines.
      (1)   The removal, overhaul, and replacement of motors, differentials, and transmissions is permitted, provided these activities occur within a completely enclosed building and on vehicles with a rated capacity not to exceed 1-1/2 tons.
      (2)   These activities will constitute only an accessory and incidental use of the service station operation and must not create obnoxious odors, smoke, noise, vibration, or otherwise create a nuisance.
   (M)   Recreational vehicle dumping stations. Recreational vehicle dumping stations are permitted, subject to applicable requirements of the Ventura County Health Department.
   (N)   Enclosure of used or discarded automobile parts. No used or discarded automotive parts or equipment or permanently disabled, junk or wrecked vehicles may be located outside the service station building, except within an enclosed trash storage area screened from public view.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04)