(A)   All parking spaces, maneuvering areas, turnarounds, and driveways must be paved with asphaltic concrete, concrete cement or concrete pavers in accordance with standards set by the City Engineer.
   (B)   All parking spaces except those in garages or carports must be marked with paint or other distinguishable material. Compact and handicap parking spaces must be identified to preclude use by other vehicles.
   (C)   Directional signs must mark one-way entrances and aisles and must be visible to drivers of vehicles using the facility. Additional safety and direction signage must be provided as directed by the Planning Director and City Engineer.
   (D)   Bumper guards, wheel stops, or curbing must be provided whenever parking stalls are designed to allow vehicles to head into or abut buildings, structures, fences, landscaping, and other vehicles.
   (F)   All parking and internal circulation areas must be designed to drain adequately. Driveways more than 75 feet in length must be improved with 2-foot-wide concrete gutters or v-swales in accordance with standards set by the City Engineer.
   (G)   Planter areas may be designed to allow parked vehicles to overhang the planter area. However, for any planter area less than six feet wide, vehicles will be permitted to overhang only one side of the planter area.
   (H)   Wherever parking spaces abut a building or structure, a minimum 5-foot-wide landscaped buffer area must be provided. This buffer area may contain paved walkways and required handicapped access ramps and pathways.
   (I)   The lighting of parking areas must be designed in accordance with the standards for light and glare in § 16.42.050 (Light and Glare) of this Title 16.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04)