(A) Facilities required. The design of any new, substantially remodeled, or expanded multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional building or structure must provide for solid waste storage facilities and enclosures that will accommodate anticipated solid waste collection needs, will allow for efficient and safe waste removal, and will accommodate collection and removal of recyclable materials.
(B) Site development standards.
(1) Solid waste storage areas must be located where they do not interfere with the traffic patterns of persons or vehicles.
(2) Solid waste storage areas must be located where they are readily accessible to collection personnel at all times.
(3) Solid waste storage enclosures for residential developments must be located where they are screened from view from public streets and highways.
(4) Solid waste storage areas must be provided on a level surface so that storage containers remain at rest without auxiliary restraining devices.
(C) Solid waste storage area enclosures.
(1) All commercial and industrial developments and all apartment or condominium developments of three or more dwelling units per lot or building site must provide enclosures for refuse containers built to city standards.
(2) The exterior architectural treatment and color of waste storage areas must be compatible with the main building treatment.
(3) All business and property owners are responsible for policing trash and debris generated from their property.
(4) Solid waste storage areas must not be allowed within the front 20 feet of a property, nor in the side ten feet on the street side of a corner lot.
(5) All solid waste enclosures must have an opaque gate with a closable latch.
(6) Each solid waste enclosure must be constructed to have the minimum dimensions of 12 feet wide, eight feet deep and five feet high, and must include a roof in accordance with Ventura County Storm Water Urban Impact Mitigation Plan (SQUIMP) requirements. The city may require a larger enclosure as needed to accommodate solid waste collection and recyclable materials containers. The configuration of the enclosure may be varied to accommodate the design of the site and number of containers over the minimum needed.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04)