(A)   Safe, adequate, and legal access required.
      (1)   Every development site must be provided, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, with safe and adequate vehicle and pedestrian access that minimizes traffic hazards to vehicles and pedestrians.
      (2)   Every development site must have legal access to a public street in the form of either direct parcel frontage on such a street, permanent access via a public or private easement, or access via a recorded reciprocal access agreement. Shared driveways are not permitted.
    (B)   Circulation. Every development project must provide safe and adequate internal vehicle and pedestrian circulation that, to the maximum extent feasible based on specific development site physical characteristics, separates pedestrian circulation from vehicular circulation, incorporates defensible space design considerations, and complements the internal circulation and public access provided on any adjacent development sites. Where feasible, parking lots must connect. Future vehicle and pedestrian connections must also be provided.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04)