The following performance standards apply to the Airport Operational zone (KO), the Airport Safety Overlay Zone (KS) and Airport Influenced Overlay Zone (KI):
   (A)   Surfacing and dust control. All surfaces must be properly drained, graded and maintained free of weeds, trash, and other debris.
   (B)   Waste disposal. No harmful, noxious, or objectionable discharge of any waste materials, fumes, dust, or smoke are permitted into or upon the ground, sanitary or storm sewer system, water or water system, nor into the atmosphere. Incineration of waste materials is prohibited. Food related waste must be stored in a manner that does not attract birds.
   (C)   Heat and glare. Any operation producing glare or heat must be performed within a building or enclosed or screened area so that such glare or heat is not perceptible, without instruments, beyond the property lines of the parcel of origin.
   (D)   Electronic and radio interference. No operation may emit electrical, electronic, or radio emissions that will interfere with, obstruct, or adversely affect the operation of air navigation aids and radio communication.
   (E)   Vibration. No operation is permitted that emits ground vibrations perceptible without instruments beyond the property lines of the parcel of origin.
   (F)   Fire insurance rating. No operation may, by its nature, increase the fire insurance rating for adjoining or adjacent property.
   (G)   Landscaping. Required front and street side yards, excepting pedestrian and vehicular access and all areas not otherwise covered with buildings or paved, must be landscaped and maintained with planting materials, or at least 75% of the surface-area must be in planting and the remainder in landscaping aggregate, excluding asphalt.
   (H)   Fair disclosure. A fair disclosure agreement and covenant must be recorded on the deed for the property by the owner and/or developer of the property.
   (I)   Nuisance. All structures, landscaping, and other development features must be designed to minimize their attraction of birds.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04)