(A) Airport Operational Zone - KO.
(1) Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the KO Zone:
(a) Runways, taxiways, and other surfaces used by airplanes on the ground
(b) Communication facilities.
(c) Terminal buildings.
(d) Sale of aviation fuel and products.
(e) Airplane rentals.
(f) Charter and delivery services.
(g) Flying schools.
(h) Air photographer, survey and map-making services.
(i) Aircraft storage and tie downs.
(j) Aircraft repair and servicing.
(2) Uses requiring a Conditional Use Permit. The following uses may be permitted subject to Conditional Use Permit review pursuant to Chapter 16.218 (Conditional Use Permits) of this Title 16.
(a) Airplane sales, including equipment and supplies.
(b) Service establishments for airport business:
i. Car rental;
ii. Restaurant, café, cafeteria; and
iii. Taxistand.
(c) Industrial uses listed as permitted in the LI Zone, subject to the same conditions and restrictions as in the LI Zone, provided that they are found to be compatible with existing, proposed or allowed uses within the zone.
(B) Airport Safety Overlay Zone (KS). Notwithstanding the use regulations of the underlying zone, any use involving, as the primary activity, the manufacture, storage, or distribution of explosives or flammable materials is prohibited.
The following land use restrictions apply to the KS Overlay Zone and the KS-IS and KS-OS subzones. In the event that these restrictions are in conflict with the base zoning as shown on the zoning map or in the event that land is located in two or more subzones, the more restrictive will apply. In the event that a lot or parcel of land is located partly within one or more of the subzones, the restrictions applicable to such subzone or subzones will apply to that part of the lot or parcel located within the subzone or subzones.
(1) KS-IS Inner Safety Subzone.
(a) Land use within the inner safety subzone is intended to have few or no people and no structures or obstructions. Prohibited uses include:
i. Buildings or structures;
ii. Outdoor amusement;
iii. Outdoor commercial or industrial operation;
iv. Parks;
v. Resorts and camps;
vi. Storage or manufacture of explosives or petroleum products;
vii. Trees;
viii. Uses prohibited in the outer safety subzone;
ix. Uses that attract birds.
(b) The following uses are permitted in the KS-IS subzone if such use is permitted in the underlying zone and only if found to conform to the Federal Aviation Administration guidelines:
i. Communications facilities;
ii. Golf course, except clubhouse;
iii. Landscaping, except trees;
iv. Outdoor storage;
v. Automobile parking;
vi. Streets;
vii. Utilities.
(2) KS-OS Outer Safety Subzone.
(a) Land use within the outer safety subzone is intended to have low population densities and reduced lot coverages. Prohibited uses include:
i. Auditoriums/theaters;
ii. Churches/synagogues;
iii. Hospitals/convalescent homes;
iv. Hotels/motels;
v. Outdoor sports arenas;
vi. Outdoor amphitheaters;
vii. Residences;
viii. Schools;
ix. Transportation terminals.
(b) The following uses are permitted in the KS-OS subzone if such use is permitted in the underlying zone and only if found to conform to the Federal Aviation Administration guidelines:
i. Manufacturing;
ii. Light industrial;
iii. Research and development;
iv. Business parks/corporation offices;
v. Commercial offices;
vi. Commercial retail and wholesale;
vii. Golf course;
viii. Landscaping;
ix. Outdoor storage;
x. Automobile parking.
(C) Airport-Influenced Overlay Zone (KI). Land uses in the VCACLUP traffic pattern zone is intended to exclude large assemblages of people and have reduced lot coverages. Prohibited uses include:
(1) Auditoriums/theaters;
(2) Churches/synagogues;
(3) Hospitals/convalescent homes;
(4) Other high-occupancy uses;
(5) Outdoor amphitheaters;
(6) Outdoor arenas;
(7) Schools (with exception of flight schools);
(8) Transportation terminals.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04; Am. Ord. 1159, passed 6-19-06)