Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the following definitions govern the construction of the words and phrases used in this chapter:
ACT means the Community Redevelopment Law set forth at Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 33000, et seq.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING means dwelling units made available to low, very low, and (if within the Plan area) moderate income households whether or not required by this chapter.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST FUND means an account established pursuant to this chapter into which in-lieu fees, as described in this chapter, will be deposited. The funds of the account cannot be commingled with the city's other funds.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING COST has the same meaning as set forth in Cal. Health & Safety Code § 50052.5, and any successor statute or regulation.
AFFORDABLE RENT has the same meaning as set forth in Cal. Health & Safety Code § 50053, and any successor statute or regulation.
AREA MEDIAN INCOME has the same meaning as set forth in Cal. Health & Safety Code § 50093, and any successor statute or regulation.
DEVELOPER means a person seeking city approval for a project.
DIRECTOR means the City Manager or designee.
DWELLING UNIT means one or more rooms, designed, occupied, or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters, with full cooking, sleeping, and bathroom facilities for the exclusive use of a single household.
GMA means a growth management allocation issued in accordance with the city Growth Management Ordinance as set forth in this code.
HOUSEHOLD means one person living alone or two or more persons sharing residency whose income is considered for housing payments.
HUD means the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
INCLUSIONARY HOUSING UNIT means a dwelling unit built pursuant to the requirements of this chapter and made available to low or very low income households or, if in the plan area, to moderate income households. Unless otherwise specified, this term includes both on-site and off-site inclusionary housing.
INCOME ELIGIBILITY means the gross annual household income considering household size and number of dependents, income of all wage earners, elderly or disabled family members, and all other sources of household income.
IN-LIEU FEE means a fee paid to the city by a developer in-lieu of providing, through direct construction and deed restrictions, the inclusionary housing units otherwise required by this code. The in-lieu fee must be deposited into the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and must be used for constructing affordable housing. Such fees may be pooled with other funds to provide additional affordable housing.
LOW-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS mean households where the gross annual income does not exceed 80% of the county median household income as defined in Cal. Health & Safety Code § 50079.5, and any successor statute or regulation.
MARKET RATE UNIT means a dwelling unit where the rental rate or sales price is not restricted by this code.
MODERATE INCOME HOUSEHOLD means a household with an income not exceeding qualifying limits set for "persons and families of low or moderate
income" in Cal. Health & Safety Code § 50093, and any successor statute or regulation;
OFF-SITE INCLUSIONARY HOUSING UNIT means inclusionary housing units constructed on real property within the city's jurisdiction other than real property affected by a project.
ON-SITE INCLUSIONARY HOUSING UNIT means inclusionary housing units constructed on real property affected by a project.
PLAN AREA means the boundaries depicted in the Santa Paula Redevelopment Plan adopted by Resolution No. 90-10 on July 9, 1990, as amended and updated in accordance with the Act;
PLAN AREA PROJECT means any proposal for constructing seven or more dwelling units within the plan area that require discretionary city approval pursuant to this code.
PROJECT means any proposal for constructing ten or more dwelling units requiring discretionary city approval pursuant to this code.
PUBLIC OFFICIAL means the city's elected and appointed officials and those employees who have, because of their position, policy-making authority or influence over city housing programs. The term includes a public official's immediate family members and business partners.
RHNA means Regional Housing Needs Allocation as calculated by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
VERY LOW-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS means households where the gross annual income does not exceed 50% of the county median household income as defined in Cal. Health & Safety Code § 50105, and any successor statute or regulation.
(Ord. 1142, passed 11-7-05)