(A) Required architectural features. All dwelling units, including mobile homes placed on a permanent foundation, constructed, erected or moved onto a permanent foundation on property in any residential area must conform to the following standards:
(1) The construction or installation must meet all city, state and federal requirements.
(2) No sheet metal roofs are permitted; provided, however, that metal roofs that simulate wood shake and shingle roofs are permitted, as are metal patio roofs.
(3) All main buildings or structures must have eave overhangs of a minimum of 16 inches or a minimum 1-foot-high parapet extending above roof level.
(4) No metal siding is permitted, with the exception of metal lap siding.
(5) All buildings must include a perimeter concrete or masonry stem wall, whether structural or ornamental. The stem wall must have the appearance of extending from grade up to the base of the exterior wall.
(B) Required interior features. All dwelling units, including multifamily dwelling units and mobile homes placed on permanent foundations, must conform to the following standards:
(1) The construction or installation must meet all city, state and federal requirements.
(2) All dwelling units must be insulated from exterior noise. Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating units from each other or from public or quasi-public spaces such as interior corridors, laundry rooms, recreation rooms, and garages must provide airborne sound insulation (minimum rating of 55 STC) for walls, and both airborne and impact sound insulation (minimum rating of 65 IIC) for floor/ceiling assemblies.
(3) Each new dwelling unit must include utilities for future washer and dryer installation, unless an approved laundry facility is included within the development. Such utilities must be constructed with readily accessible outlets for plumbing (hot and cold water) and gas outlets when available or electrical outlets.
(4) A minimum of 10% of all dwelling units in a development, with the exception of mobile homes, must be designed to be handicap adaptable and/or accessible, pursuant to California accessibility requirements.
(C) Required site features. In addition to open space requirements outlined in § 16.13.050, the following site features are required on all residential properties.
(1) The configuration and orientation of the project should respect reasonable design limits imposed by the natural and manmade environment. Structures should be situated to take advantage of view, topography, sun and wind, while at the same time not destroying these advantages for adjacent properties. Structures should also be situated to minimize or buffer any undesirable properties of the site such as street noise and nearby obnoxious commercial or industrial uses.
(2) The layout of units and open space within the project should establish, through the use of structure and manmade and landscape materials, a perceptible spatial transition from the public street, through the semi-privacy of the common areas, to the privacy of the unit. Most importantly, the environment of each dwelling unit should be private and free from visual, auditory and other intrusions.
(D) Required storage area. All multi-family dwelling units must conform to the following standards:
(1) At least one private, lockable storage area must be provided for each dwelling unit when there is more than one dwelling unit on the same lot or building site.
(2) The storage area must be located either:
(a) Within a carport and protected from the elements;
(b) At some nearby, convenient location, located outside the dwellings;
(c) In a garage if the garage can be locked by the resident and the storage area does not encroach on the required 10 foot by 20 foot parking area.
(3) The storage area must meet the following standards:
(a) A minimum capacity of 90 cubic feet;
(b) No dimension of less than 30 inches;
(c) When built as an above-ground cabinet in a carport or garage, the cabinet must be high enough above the ground to maintain the required parking area and designed to prevent the collapse of the cabinet onto a vehicle.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04; Am. Ord. 1159, passed 6-19-06)