Nine residential zones are established to provide a range of housing types and densities in sufficient supply to serve the needs of the city's residents. The residential zones are as follows:
(A) Hillside Residential - Planned Development (HR-PD) Zones.
(1) The HR-PD zones are established to permit residential development in environmentally sensitive hillside areas. The zones are intended to limit density, preserve hillsides in a natural state to the extent possible, encourage grading respecting the natural contour of the hills, require the retention and planting of trees and other vegetation, and protect natural landmarks and prominent natural features which enhance the character of a specific area. Development standards for the HR-PD zones are shown in Table 13-2 and further set forth in Division 3 of this chapter.
(2) Because of the varied terrain, vegetation, and scenic qualities unique to each hillside property, a Planned Development (PD) overlay will apply to each property zoned HR1 or HR2 to provide for flexibility in the design and development of each property. Each Hillside Residential-Planned Development project will be assigned a number that will be shown on the zoning map. The following HR-PD zones have been established:
Zone | Allowable Density |
HR1-PD | 0 - 1 dwelling units/acre |
HR2-PD | 0 - 3 dwelling units/acre |
(B) Rural Residential (R-A) Zone. The R-A zone provides areas for very low density, rural residential units. Low-intensity, noncommercial agricultural use that is secondary to the primary residential use is also permitted. The maximum permitted density in the R-A zone will be indicated by a minimum lot size suffix shown on the zoning map, but in no case will the maximum density exceed four units per acre. Development standards for the RA zone are shown in Table 13-2.
(C) Single Family Residential Zone (R-1). The R-1 zone provides areas for single-family dwellings that incorporate private outdoor open spaces. The zone is intended to protect and stabilize desirable characteristics of single-family residential areas, such as minimum lot sizes and separation from incompatible land uses. The maximum permitted density is seven units per acre. Development standards for the R-1 zone are shown in Table 13-2.
(D) Small Lot Single Family Residential Zone (R-1(a)). This zone accommodates legally established lots in the R-1 zone containing less than 6,000 square feet. Special development standards are established for such lots. Similar to the R-1 zone, the R-1(a) zone provides areas for single-family dwellings that incorporate private outdoor open spaces. The zone is intended to protect and stabilize desirable characteristics of single-family residential areas, such as minimum lot sizes and separation from incompatible land uses. The maximum permitted density is seven units per acre. Development standards for the R-1(a) zone are shown in Table 13-2.
(E) Medium Density Residential Zone (R-2). The R-2 residential zone provides areas for low-density development consisting of duplexes, attached single-family units, or two detached single-family units on one lot. The maximum permitted density is 15 units per acre. Development standards for the R-2 zone are shown in Table 13-2.
(F) Medium-High Density Residential Zone (R-3). The R-3 zone provides areas to accommodate apartments, condominiums, townhomes, and other multi-family dwellings, although single-family and duplex residences are also permitted. Multi-family developments in this zone are characterized by dwellings containing private open space features, as well as common open space and recreational amenities. The maximum permitted density is 21 units per acre. Development standards for the R-3 zone are shown in Table 13-2.
(G) High Density Residential Zone (R-4). The R-4 zone provides opportunities for high-density residential development and is intended primarily to accommodate apartments, condominiums, town-homes, and other multi-family dwellings, although single-family and duplex residences are also permitted. Multi-family development is characterized by 2- to 3-story structures developed in a coordinated, cohesive manner around common open space features. The maximum permitted density is 29 units per acre. Development standards for the R-2 zone are shown in Table 13-2.
(H) Mobile Home Park Zone (MHP). The MHP zone is intended to accommodate mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions in order to provide park residents with a safe, comfortable, healthy and pleasant living environment. Mobile home parks and subdivisions are characterized by single-story mobile homes on individual lots/sites arranged in a coordinated, cohesive manner around common open space features. The maximum permitted density is ten units per acre. Development standards for the MHP zone are set forth in Division 6 of this chapter.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04)