Two open space zones, Open Space Passive (O) and Open Space Parks and Recreation (OPR), have been established to preserve, manage, and protect natural resources, open space lands, cultural and historic resources, geologic hazard areas, parks and recreational resources, and scenic resources which contribute to the overall character and density of the community, consistent with the goals of the Santa Paula General Plan.
   (A)   Open Space Passive (O) Zone . This zone accommodates land that is intended to remain undeveloped, such as properties in the Santa Clara River bed (south of the Public Levee Bank Protection Line), Santa Paula Creek, undevelopable and set-aside areas of Adams Barranca and Fagan Barranca, and undevelopable slopes and natural landmarks. Permitted uses are limited to flood control channels and other waterways, bridges, and hiking, biking, and equestrian trails. Surface mining is conditionally permissible in this zone, subject to the provisions of Chapters 16.100 through 16.104 (Surface Mining) and Conditional Use Permit review pursuant to Chapter 16.218 (Conditional Use Permits) of this Title 16.
   (B)   Open Space Parks and Recreation (OPR) Zone. This zone accommodates development of active parks and recreation resources.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04)