§ 16.05.260 "Y" DEFINITIONS.
   YARD - An open space on a developed lot that, except as otherwise provided for in this Development Code, is unoccupied or unobstructed from the ground upwards, with the exception of ground-level open porches and patios.
   YARD AREA - The area of yard on a given lot expressed in numbers of square feet.
   YARD, FRONT - A yard extending across the full width of a lot, the depth of which is the minimum horizontal distance between the front lot line and a line parallel thereto on the lot, except that where there is an official plan line or a future street line, front yards will be measured from such official plan line or future street line and a line parallel thereto on the lot. On any existing flag lot, the FRONT YARD will include the area between the front lot line and a line parallel to the line dividing the lot from the street fronting parcel(s) (see Figure 5.2 below). With the exception of flag lots, any front yard requirement will be deemed to be met when the depth of the front yard provided at least equals the average of that established by existing buildings that occupy 50% or more of the lots within the same block and zone (see Figure 5-2 of this section).
   YARD, REAR - A yard extending across the full width of a lot, having at no point a depth of less than the minimum required horizontal distance as measured from the part of the main building nearest the rear lot line towards the rear lot line, and such measurement will be along a line representing the shortest distance between said part of the main building and rear lot line. The required rear yard will be that portion of the rear yard contiguous to the rear lot line having at no point a depth less than that required for the rear yard. The area to the rear of the rear lot line of an interior triangular or gore-shaped lot will be considered a part of the required rear yard (see Figure 5-2 of this section).
Figure 5-2
Required Yards
   YARD, SIDE - A yard extending from the required front yard or the front lot line where no front yard is required, to the rear lot line, the width of which is the minimum horizontal distance between a side lot line and a line parallel thereto on the lot, except that where there is an official plan line or a future street line, side yards will be measured from such official plan line or future street line and a line parallel thereto on the lot (see Figure 5-2 of this section).
   YARD SPACE, INTERIOR - That area on the lot behind the front setback line which is open from ground to sky and used as private open space except as otherwise permitted in this Development Code.
(Ord. 1100, passed 7-6-04)