It is the determination of the Council that proper and necessary steps should be taken in order to protect and preserve, to the greatest extent possible, mature trees on public property and native oak, sycamore and heritage and historic trees, especially where these trees are associated with proposals for urban development, as trees are a significant, historical, aesthetic and valuable ecological resource. It is the intent of this subchapter to maintain and enhance the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city by assisting in counteracting air pollution, by minimizing soil erosion and other related environmental damage and by enhancing the aesthetic environment of the city. It is also the intent of this subchapter to preserve and enhance property values through conserving and enhancing the distinctive and unique aesthetic character of many areas of the city in which oak, sycamore, heritage and historic and other mature trees live.
('81 Code, §17.56.010) (Ord. 954, passed - -92)
The provisions of this subchapter shall apply to all mature trees on public property and all living native oak, sycamore, heritage and historic trees, including but not limited to, where those trees are associated with proposals for urban development, on all public or private property within the limits of the city, except as specified in § 156.585.
('81 Code, § 17.56.020) (Ord. 954, passed - -92)
No mature tree on public property or any native oak tree, sycamore, heritage or historic tree on public or private property or associated with urban develop- ment or zoned for further development shall be removed, cut down, or otherwise destroyed, except as provided for in this subchapter.
('81 Code, § 17.56.030) (Ord. 954, passed - -92) Penalty, see § 156.999