No person shall conduct a garage or yard sale except in accordance with the following limitations:
(A) No more than two garage sales shall be conducted in any calendar year on any premises by the same residents, or by any person with the permission of, or under the direction or control of, such residents. No single sale shall be conducted for longer than two consecutive weekends, or 72 hours, whichever is the shorter period. Sales may be conducted during daylight hours only.
(B) Personal property offered for sale at a garage sale or yard sale may be displayed on a driveway, in a garage, in a rear yard, and on the front lawn, but not on the parkway or elsewhere upon the premises.
(C) Except as otherwise provided below, signs advertising a garage sale or yard sale shall be displayed only on the premises on which the sale is conducted. Two such signs may be displayed. Two off-site directional signs may be permitted provided that written permission to erect or affix such signs is received from the property owners on whose property such signs are to be placed. Signs may be displayed only during the hours the sale is actively being conducted and shall be removed at the close of sale activities or at nightfall, whichever first occurs, each day. No sign may be placed in any public right-of-way.
('81 Code, § 17.71.020) (Ord. 787, passed - -82; Ord. 799, passed - -84) Penalty, see Ch. 13