The Council shall set the application for a permit for hearing at the next regular meeting of the Council and shall cause written notice thereof to be given to the applicant, the notice of the hearing to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at least three days before the date of the hearing.
('81 Code, § 8.36.060)
(A) At the time of the hearing by the Council, the applicant and all interested persons shall be heard for or against the granting of the permit and the Council may consider any and all matters affecting the best interests of the city, the public safety, health and general welfare and may approve or disapprove the recommendations of the Planning Commission and, if approved, may impose such conditions as it deems advisable.
(B) The action of the Council shall be final.
('81 Code, § 8.36.070)
(A) The permit provided for in this subchapter, when granted, shall be subject to a license fee in an amount to be established by resolution of the City Council if the spreading or storing of oil field waste will be completed within six months.
(B) An additional license fee in an amount to be established by resolution of the City Council shall be paid for each six months thereafter, or fraction thereof.
('81 Code, § 8.36.080)