The City Council finds that the development of cable systems has the potential of having great benefit and impact upon the residents of the city. Because of the complex and rapidly changing technology associated with cable systems, the City Council further finds that the public convenience, safety and general welfare can best be served by establishing regulatory powers which should be vested in the city or such persons as the city may designate. It is the intent of this chapter and subsequent amendments to provide for and specify the means to attain the best possible cable service to the public and any franchises issued pursuant to this chapter shall be deemed to include this as an integral finding thereof. It is the further intent of this chapter to establish regulatory provisions that permit the city to regulate cable system franchises to the extent permitted by federal and state law, including but not limited to the Federal Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, the Federal Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, the Federal Tele-communications Act of 1996 as amended or hereafter amended, applicable Federal Communications Commission regulations and applicable California law.
(Ord. 1048, passed 1-22-02)