(A) Amusement device. The licensee shall pay a license fee in the amount equal to one percent of gross revenues derived from all amusement devices the licensee maintains within the city. The license fee shall be in an amount to be established by resolution of the City Council.
(B) Amusement arcade. An operator of an arcade, of which more than 50% of the public floor is devoted to amusement devices, shall pay a license fee equal to 1% of the gross revenues derived from the total business operation. The license fee shall be in an amount to be established by resolution of the City Council.
(C) Other amusement devices and vending machines. The license fee shall be based upon the gross-receipts schedule listed in § 110.62 of this title except for vending machines, where the limitation imposed by Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 16002.5 shall apply when calculating gross receipts.
('81 Code, § 5.08.040) (Ord. 778, passed - -82; Ord. 871, passed - -86)
Each licensee shall post or keep in a visible position at all times, on each machine or device so licensed, the license permit provided by the city.
('81 Code, § 5.08.050) (Ord. 778, passed - -82) Penalty, see § 112.99
(A) An amusement device, other amusement device or vending machine may be substituted by a licensee for another similar-type machine or device under his license within the same location. Notification must be given to the License Collector for any transfer of location of machine.
(B) No license or permit shall be transferred or assigned to another owner, person or operator.
('81 Code, § 5.08.060) (Ord. 778, passed - -82) Penalty, see § 112.99
Every distributor or owner of an amusement device, other amusement device or vending machine shall post on the machine or device his name and address in a place where it may be seen by anyone using the machine or device.
('81 Code, § 5.08.080) (Ord. 778, passed - -82) Penalty, see § 112.99