(A) When police officers respond to unruly gatherings, the police officers can, but are not required to, issue written notice to the responsible person stating as follows:
(1) If police officers are required to return to the same premises within the following 12-hour period in response to a complaint; or
(2) If police officers are required to return to the same premises hosting an unruly gathering a total of three times or more within a six month period in response to a complaint; and
(3) The responding police officers determine there is a violation of this chapter; then
(4) Such additional responses by police officers, or other public employees, will constitute response costs the cost of which must be paid by the responsible person. Any such costs will become the responsible person's personal obligation and be a debt to the city.
(B) Notices issued pursuant to this section must be signed by the responsible person which acknowledges receipt of the warning. A signed copy may be left with the responsible person. If a second or subsequent response is required, police officers must have a responsible person sign a response cost invoice acknowledging the special public services and additional invoices for any further responses.
(Ord. 1163, passed 8-7-06)