§ 101.09 BASIC RATE.
   (A)   Category 1 permittees do not pay the basic rates. Permittees in this category are: City of Santa Paula co-sponsored events, programs and activities; sponsored activity or event which all proceeds provide a direct financial benefit to the City of Santa Paula or Santa Paula Redevelopment Agency program; non-profit 501(c)(3) corporations consisting of less than 20 people where city staff is already present at the facility during regular operating hours. Non-profit organizations must provide evidence of their status to the Director’s satisfaction. Examples of such
evidence include, without limitation, articles of incorporation, by-laws, or proof of Internal Revenue Code § 501(c)(3) status.
   (B)   Category 2 permittees pay a rate in an amount established by City Council resolution. Permittees in this category include: Non-profit 501(c) youth sports organizations of at least 75 individuals of whom at least 85% of Santa Paula residents. These organizations must provide evidence of their status to the Director’s satisfaction. Examples of such evidence include, without limitation, articles of incorporation, by-laws, or proof of Internal Revenue Code § 501(c) status and application materials.
   (C)   Category 3 permittees pay the basic rates. Permittees in this category are: Non-profits 501(c), School Districts and Public Agencies. Non-profit organizations must provide evidence of their status to the Director’s satisfaction. Examples of such evidence include, without limitation, articles of incorporation, by-laws, or proof of Internal Revenue Code § 501(c) status.
   (D)   Category 4 permittees pay the basic rate plus an amount determined by City Council resolution. Permittees in this category include: Individuals, youth and adult groups and private parties that reside within the city’s jurisdiction using parks for personal use (not for profit).
   (E)   Category 5 permittees pay the basic rate plus an amount determined by City Council resolution. Permittees in this category are commercial businesses that have a primary place of business within the city’s jurisdiction.
   (F)   Category 6 permittees pay the basic rate plus an amount determined by City Council resolution. An additional 25% of gross receipts or a negotiated flat fee will be applied to this category. Included in this category are permittees located inside the city’s jurisdiction, using parks commercially and for financial gain. In determining whether an event is commercial and for financial gain, the Director may rely upon any reasonable evidence including, without limitation, advertisements, documentation of entrance fees, or requests to restrict public access to the event.
   (G)   Category 7 adds an additional 40% to categories (1-5), which are permittees, located outside of the city’s jurisdiction.
(Ord. 1128, passed 12-20-04; Am. Ord. 1243, passed 6-18-12)