(A) Account of expenses. The Chief shall keep an account of his expenses when abating a fire hazard pursuant to an order of the City Council and file the account thereof with the Council which account shall include a description, according to the county assessment roll, or the lot or land upon which such fire hazard existed and, when available, the name and address of the last known assessee.
(B) Confirmation of expense account. The account of expenses shall be maintained on file, open to public inspection, in the office of the Clerk of the City Council for at least 10 days before a hearing of the Council to confirm such account. If any person shall, before the expiration of such 10 days, file a written request for notice of the address supplied in any such written request. At the time fixed for such hearing, the Council shall meet to hear any objectionS to the account of expenses filed by the Chief. At such hearing, the Council may make any modification in the amount it deems just, after which the account shall be confirmed.
(C) Special assessment and lien. The amount of expenses incurred by the Chief for abating a fire hazard when confirmed by the City Council shall constitute a special assessment against the lot or land from which the said fire hazard was removed and a lien thereon for the amount of such assessment.
(D) Transmittal of account. The City Council shall deliver a copy of the account, as confirmed, to the Auditor of the county on or before the 10th day of August following such confirmation.
(E) Inclusion of assessment. The County Auditor shall enter the amount stated in the account as a special assessment against the property described in the account. The Tax Collector of the county shall include the amount of the assessment on the bill for taxes levied against the property. All laws applicable to the levy, collection and enforcement of county taxes are applicable to such special assessments. All special assessments collected shall be paid into the county treasury to be used on behalf of the Fire Department.
('81 Code § 15.18.070)