(A) It is unlawful for any person to construct improvements within a public right-of-way or easement, or any right-of-way or easement offered for dedication to the city without first obtaining a permit from the Public Works Director.
(B) The schedule of permit fees and charges shall be those adopted by resolution of the City Council from time to time.
('81 Code, § 12.12.040) Penalty, see Ch. 13
Every person having, controlling or occupying any house, storeroom, building or structure situated on premises fronting on any of the public streets within the city shall procure and place in a conspicuous position immediately over, upon or adjacent to each and every door or entryway to any such premises from such street, a suitable number with figures of the denominations stated in this subchapter, and of sufficient size to be seen from the adjoining sidewalk.
('81 Code, § 12.16.010) Penalty, see Ch. 13
There is apportioned to each 25 feet and separate fractional part thereof of frontage on each street in the city, except Palm Court and McKevett Heights, its certain number as described in this subchapter, and in Palm Court and McKevett Heights, each separate lot, irrespective of its frontage, shall be apportioned its certain number as described in this subchapter.
('81 Code, § 12.16.020)
(A) East and west streets. On streets running in an easterly and westerly direction the even numbers shall be placed on the south side and the odd numbers on the north side of each such street.
('81 Code, § 12.16.030)
(B) North and south streets. On all streets running in a northerly and southerly direction, the even numbers shall be placed on the west side and the odd numbers on the east side of each such street.
('81 Code, § 12.16.040)
(C) Streets intersecting Main or Mupu Streets. All premises fronting on streets intersecting Main or Mupu Street shall be numbered from Main or Mupu Street and north and south thereof and the even numbers shall be placed on the west side of each street and the odd numbers on the east side of each street.
('81 Code, § 12.16.050)
There is adopted as the official house and building numbering map of the city that certain map on file in the office of the City Clerk entitled “the official house and building numbering map of the city” and the numbers appearing on such map in red ink are declared to be the proper numbers to be placed upon the houses, stores, business places or entryways actually upon the premises located on the properties shown upon such map.
('81 Code, § 12.16.070)
This subchapter shall not be construed to require the numbering of any premises whereon no building exists, but shall be construed to require the numbering of all entryways to all premises whereon any house or other structure to be occupied by a human being or any place of business exists.
('81 Code, § 12.16.080)
The Building Inspector shall, from time to time, notify the owners or occupants of all structures that may be without numbers from any cause or that may be improperly numbered to comply with the provisions of this subchapter and he shall enforce this subchapter.
('81 Code, § 12.16.090)