   (A)   Except as otherwise allowed by this chapter, city streets that were resurfaced with an emulsified asphalt “slurry” or asphalt “cape seal” within the previous two years, or improved with asphalt/concrete within the previous five years, of the proposed excavation may not be excavated for utilities or for other reasons.
   (B)   A permit may be issued to allow a permittee to encroach within a right-of-way to install utility facilities, or for other purposes, if such work can be accomplished by boring under the public street section or by other trenchless technologies. Alternative methods for such work including, without limitation, relocating utility facilities to areas other than the public street (for example, under public sidewalks and/or parkways) will be considered and determined not to be feasible before a permit may be issued pursuant to this chapter. Any additional costs for, without limitation, relocating utility facilities outside of the public street or boring under the public street must be borne by the permittee.
   (C)   Excavation of a city street will be allowed by permit under only the most unusual circumstances if the director determines that relocation or boring is not feasible. Under such circumstances, the director will require a permittee to meet the city’s construction standards for excavating in recently resurfaced streets, pay all costs associated with such excavation, and provide such additional security to ensure the integrity of the recently resurfaced public street as may be reasonably required by the director.
(Ord. 1063, passed 10-6-03; Am. Ord. 1322, passed 11-2-22)
   (A)    ULTIMATE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY is defined as the right-of-way shown on that street map adopted by the City Council and identified as “Ultimate Street Right of Way Widths,” the street right-of-way shown within the boundary of a recorded tract map, a recorded parcel map or a recorded planned development plan. The latest adopted or recorded document in the above cases shall take precedence. If none of these exists, the ultimate street right-of-way shall be considered the right-of-way required by the standard highway classifications as have been approved by the City Council.
   (B)   No building or structure or part of any building or structure shall be placed or constructed within any ultimate street right-of-way.
('81 Code, § 12.12.010) Penalty, see Ch. 13
   (A)   It is found that increased vehicular traffic results from construction of new buildings and extensive reconstruction, remodeling and enlarging of existing buildings. The following street dedications and standard improvements are determined to be necessary to prevent vehicular congestion and the other hazards related to the intensified use of the land, and for the preservation of the public health, safety and general welfare.
   (B)   The following requirements shall be met or complied with before a building permit is issued for any complex or building or, in the alternative, before the complex or building is accepted for use and occupancy:
      (1)   All required streets, highways and alleys which abut the subject property shall be dedicated to the full width designated by the “Ultimate Street Right-of-Way Widths Map” or other official plans or standards adopted by the City Council.
      (2)   All street, highways and alley improve-ments shall have been installed and in good repair or street improvement plans shall be prepared to city standards and said improvements constructed. Such improvements shall consist of, but not necessarily be limited to, excavation, concrete curbs and gutters, concrete sidewalks, pavement, drainage facilities or any other engineering requirement.
      (3)   Whenever reconstruction, remodeling, enlarging or modifications to existing structures are involved, the street dedication and improvements described under this section shall be required at the time of issuance of a building permit when the value of such reconstruction, remodeling, enlarging or modification exceeds 50% of the market value of the existing structure. The market value as used in this section shall be that value as based on the official assessed valuation of the current County Assessor roll. In addition, whenever there has been a cumulative value of improvements made during the preceding five years, with or without the addition of proposed new construction, amounting to a value which exceeds 50% of the market value of the existing building structure or improvements, the required street dedication and improvements shall also be required.
('81 Code, § 12.12.020)
   (A)   The following are exempt from the require-ment to construct standard street improvements, as provided in this subchapter:
      (1)   Property which fronts public streets upon which standard street improvements already exist;
      (2)   Reconstruction, remodeling, enlarging or construction of a single-family unit, regardless of the zoning.
   (B)   When substantiated by a traffic engineering evaluation, the exemptions set forth in division (A) of this section do not apply in any one of the following circumstances:
      (1)   When the development consists of five or more lots;
      (2)   In a development consisting of the construction of a structure of 2,500 square feet or more.
   (C)   The City Council may determine that any provisions of this subchapter shall be modified or omitted and the City Council is authorized and empowered to deviate from the full requirements for the construction of improvements as required in this subchapter and may authorize other modifications as conditions may warrant.
('81 Code, § 12.12.030) (Ord. 703, passed - -78)
§ 96.53 PERMITS.
   (A)   It is unlawful for any person to construct improvements within a public right-of-way or easement, or any right-of-way or easement offered for dedication to the city without first obtaining a permit from the Public Works Director.
   (B)   The schedule of permit fees and charges shall be those adopted by resolution of the City Council from time to time.
('81 Code, § 12.12.040) Penalty, see Ch. 13
   Every person having, controlling or occupying any house, storeroom, building or structure situated on premises fronting on any of the public streets within the city shall procure and place in a conspicuous position immediately over, upon or adjacent to each and every door or entryway to any such premises from such street, a suitable number with figures of the denominations stated in this subchapter, and of sufficient size to be seen from the adjoining sidewalk.
('81 Code, § 12.16.010) Penalty, see Ch. 13