General Provisions
54.01 Purpose and intent
54.02 Definitions
Prohibition of Non-Stormwater Discharges and Illicit Connections
54.10 Illicit discharges prohibited, exempt discharges
54.11 Pollution prohibited
54.12 Illicit connections
Reduction of Pollutants in Stormwater and Requirements for the Control of Urban Runoff
54.30 Best management practices required
54.31 Construction activities
54.32 Development
54.33 Best management practices adopted
54.34 Notification of intent and compliance with general permits
54.35 Illicit discharge and connections
54.36 Watercourse protection
Permits, Inspections and Enforcement
54.50 Scope of inspections
54.51 Administrative citations and remedies
54.52 Nuisance
54.53 Non-exclusive remedies
54.54 Violations of other laws
54.55 Civil remedies, injunctions
54.56 Other civil remedies
54.57 Discharge permit
54.58 Permit denial, suspension, revocation or modification
54.59 Permit enforcement and compliance
54.60 Disclaimer and severability
54.61 Judicial review
54.99 Penalty