(A)   On an annual basis, the City Council may determine by resolution whether to make a low-income senior rate available to persons who qualify for such a discounted rate pursuant to this section. Nothing in this section creates, or is intended to create, a property right for qualified persons to a low-income senior rate as described by this section. Rather, establishing a low-income senior rate is a discretionary determination made by the City Council annually that is dependent, among other things, on projected interest revenue derived from the city's sewer enterprise fund.
   (B)   Persons meeting the qualifications in this section may, but are not required to, pay a discounted rate equal to the monthly residential sewer service fee established by this chapter minus a flat dollar amount determined by City Council resolution. In adopting a resolution determining the flat dollar amount, the City Council should consider the following matters:
      (1)   The interest revenue anticipated by the city budget for the city's sewer enterprise fund;
      (2)   The number of persons qualified to pay the discounted rate established by this section; and
      (3)   The residential sewer service fee established by this chapter.
   (C)   To qualify, a person must meet all these criteria in a given billing period:
      (1)   Be at least 62 years old;
      (2)   Be a qualified participant in the California Alternate Rates for Energy ("CARE") program established by Cal. Public Utilities Code §§ 739.1 and 739.2 as determined by the most recent California Public Utility Commission decisions. For example, and not limitation, the CARE income limit for a one or two person household is $28,600 until May 31, 2007; and
      (3)   Be a residential sewer customer or a legal tenant in a mobile home park legally operating pursuant to this code, as established by reasonable documentary evidence, where the tenant is directly responsible for paying the monthly residential sewer service fee established by this chapter.
   (D)   Applications for the low-income senior rate must be filed with the Finance Department. To apply for the low-income senior rate, a person must submit the following documents to the Finance Department:
      (1)   A signed photocopy of the CARE application form, or other competent acceptable evidence of CARE qualification and enrollment such as a recent Southern California Edison billing statement;
      (2)   A photocopy of proof of age; and
      (3)   Proof that the person resides at the residence or, as applicable, a mobile home park legally operating pursuant to this code where the tenant is directly responsible for paying the monthly residential sewer service fee established by this chapter.
   (E)   The low-income senior rate will first be recognized on the next full billing cycle after the date of approval. The Finance Department may require such additional evidence as it deems necessary or appropriate in processing the claim. Only one person from each household is permitted. The Finance Department, at any time, may require a person to provide proof of continuing eligibility. Any change in the qualification status of the person during the fiscal year of the allowance must be immediately reported by that person to the Finance Department.
   (F)   Persons who would otherwise qualify, but are billed through a master meter serving multiple housing units, are not eligible for the low-income senior rate.
(Ord. 1165, passed 10-2-06)