(A)   Upon request for administrative review being filed, the Director will provide a copy of the notice to the City Manager, or designee, within ten business days.
   (B)   Upon receiving a request for review from the Director, the City Manager, or designee, will review the request and, within ten days of receiving the request notice, provide the person requesting review with a written notification that:
      (1)   The Director's decision is affirmed;
      (2)   The Director's decision is modified;
      (3)   The Director's decision is reversed.
   (C)   The City Manager, or designee, may, but is not required to, conduct a hearing at a time and place determined at the City Manager's sole discretion.
   (D)   In addition to other provisions of this chapter, any notification to the person requesting administrative review must set forth any modifications of the Director's decision.
(Ord. 1093, passed 2-17-04)