§ 51.009 REFUNDS.
   Refunds to original contributors to extensions.
   (A)   Periodically, but not more than twice a year, the City Treasurer must pay and refund out of the Public Sewer Extension and Connection Trust Fund to the person originally paying for the sewer, or the property owner's heirs and assigns, the property owner's proportionate share of the money paid into the trust fund by subsequent property owners who did not participate in the original cost and who were given permits to connect to the extended sewer and who paid as provided in the approved cost distribution.
   (B)   Payments under this section by the city must be made to the person originally paying for the sewer at the property owner's address appearing in the records of the engineering office, and must constitute a discharge of its duty under this chapter to pay as to all sums so paid, unless the city has received and consented to an assignment of the right to another, giving assignee's name and payment address.
(Ord. 1093, passed 2-17-04)