(A)   Required. Owners of real property within the city desiring to have the city sewer system extended in accordance with the provisions of this chapter must apply to the Public Works Director for the extensions.
   (B)   Plans, map, deposit and letter to accompany. Applications for sewer system extensions must be accompanied by the following:
      (1)   Completed plans and specifications and proposal agreement for the construction of the sewer prepared by a registered civil engineer;
      (2)   A map showing the sewer extension and all properties directly benefitted by the sewer extension. Those properties which can connect thereto with a side sewer not exceeding 225 feet in length, and which cannot be more readily served with other existing sewers, must be considered as benefitting properties;
      (3)   A total deposit in an amount equal to the total cost of the sewer extension as estimated by the Public Works Director, plus the estimated cost of plan checking, processing and inspection; and
      (4)   A letter of participation, signed by the applicant and any other contributors to the project, which gives a description of all property benefitted by the sewer extension that are contributing to the cost of constructing the sewer.
   (C)   Processing.
      (1)   The Public Works Director, after receiving the application, plans, specifications, proposal agreement, map, deposit and letter of participation, and after approving the plans, specifications, proposal agreement and application, must submit a written report to the City Manager concerning the feasibility and practicality of the proposed sewer extension, and the estimated cost of the project, including all incidental expenses. Upon receiving report from the Public Works Director, the City Manager must make recommendations to the Council for its consideration.
      (2)   The Public Works Director, before the hearing by the Council, must notify each and every owner of property to be benefitted by the sewer extension that an application was filed to extend the sewer under the provisions of this chapter and must notify each of the time and date of the hearing. If the Council approves the sewer extension application, an appropriate resolution must be adopted authorizing the construction of the sewer extension to be financed from the money deposited by the applicant. If the Council does not approve the sewer extension application, the total deposit made by the applicant must be returned to the applicant.
(Ord. 1093, passed 2-17-04)