(A)   In accordance with the provisions of Cal. Gov't Code § 36904, the Chief of Police may require all persons imprisoned for any violation of this code or any other ordinance of the city to labor on public property or public works within the city.
   (B)   In accordance with the provisions of Cal. Penal Code § 1203.1 and Cal. Gov't Code § 25359, all persons granted summary probation may be compelled to perform labor under the direction of the probation officer, or such other person as the court may direct, on the public works or ways, public grounds, roads, streets, alleys, highways, fire-breaks, fire roads, riding or hiking trails, public buildings or in such other places in the county as deemed advisable for the benefit of the public; provided, however, that no probationer shall be compelled to perform labor who may be physically unable to do so or whose safekeeping may be endangered thereby.
   (C)   No probationer engaged in the performance of labor pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be considered an employee of or to be employed by the city or any department thereof. Furthermore no such person shall come under any of the provisions of the Worker's Compensation Law, being Cal. Labor Code §§ 3201 et seq. and the Occupa-tional Safety and Health Act, being Cal. Labor Code §§ 6300 et seq., or be entitled to any benefits thereunder on behalf of himself or any other person.
('81 Code, § 1.16.010)