§ 30.02 MAYOR.
   (A)   A Mayor and Vice Mayor shall be selected by the Council from among its members annually at its first regular meeting in December of each year.
   (B)   The Mayor and Vice Mayor shall serve at the pleasure of the Council for a term of approximately one year, or until the next Mayor and Vice Mayor have been selected.
   (C)   The Vice Mayor shall act as Mayor in the event of the Mayor's absence, disability, or inability to act.
   (D)   Hereafter, in all ordinances, resolutions, and other documents and writings all references to the Mayor Pro Tem shall be deemed to be the Vice Mayor.
('81 Code, § 2.04.025) (Ord. 941, passed - -91) (Am. Ord. 1032, passed 8-16-99)
   (A)   The Mayor shall appoint such standing committees of the Council, as the Council shall from time to time designate, no later than the second regular meeting in the month following appointment as Mayor.
   (B)   Members of such committees shall serve for one year.
   (C)   The Mayor shall fill vacancies occurring in such committees at any time.
('81 Code, § 2.04.030) (Ord. 941, passed - -91)
   (A)   Purpose. This section is enacted pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code § 36516, authorizing the Council to provide by ordinance that each member of the Council receive a prescribed salary, the amount of which is based upon the population of the city as determined by estimates made by the State Department of Finance.
   (B)   Salaries. The compensation of the members of the City Council shall be as set from time to time by the Council in accordance with state law provisions.
   (C)   Increase or decrease. Following any new and later estimate of population made by the Department of Finance, placing the city in a population group other than that set forth in division (B) of this section, the salary payable to each member of the Council shall be increased or decreased accordingly by ordinance to equal the sum prescribed for that population group in Cal. Gov't Code § 36514, as added by Chapter 286 of the Statutes of 1965; provided, however, that the salary as so increased or decreased shall become payable only on and after the date upon which one or more members of the Council become eligible therefor by virtue of beginning a new term of office following the next succeeding general municipal election held in the city.
   (D)   Reimbursement. The salaries prescribed in this section are and shall be exclusive of any amounts payable to each member of the Council as reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred by him in the performance of official duties for the city.
   (E)   Operative date. This section shall become operative only on and after the date upon which one or more members of the Council of the city become eligible for the salary prescribed in this section by virtue of beginning a new term of office following the general municipal election next succeeding its effective date.
('81 Code, § 2.04.040) (Ord. 785, passed - -82)
   The city's general municipal election shall be deferred to the date of the statewide general election in accordance with the provisions of the Cal. Elec. Code §§ 2601 and 10404 and Cal. Gov't Code § 36503.5.
('81 Code, § 2.48.010) (Ord. 884, passed - -87)
   (A)   The City Manager may sign any contract that requires the expenditure of city funds in the sum of $50,000 or less, or any contract not requiring the expenditure of money.
   (B)   The Mayor is authorized to sign all contracts and agreements on behalf of the city, except that the Mayor Pro Tem is authorized to sign all contracts and agreements in the event of the Mayor's absence, disability or inability to act.
   (C)   The City Council may, by resolution or minute action, authorize the City Manager or any department head to execute any designated contract or agreement on behalf of the city.
(Ord. 1020, passed 1-20-98; Am. Ord. 1279, passed 11-7-18)
   (A)   By-district elections. Pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 34886, members of the City Council shall be elected by-district in five single-member districts.
      (1)   Councilmembers shall be elected in the electoral districts established by subdivision (B) of this section and subsequently reapportioned as provided by state law. Elections shall take place "by district" as that term is defined in Cal. Gov’t Code § 34871, meaning one Councilmember shall be elected from each district, by the voters of that district alone.
      (2)   A Councilmember elected or appointed to represent a district must reside in that district and be a registered voter in that district, and any candidate for City Council must reside in, and be a registered voter in, the district in which he or she seeks election at the time nomination papers are issued.
      (3)   Termination of residency in a district by a Councilmember shall create a vacancy for that City Council district unless a substitute residence within the district is immediately declared and established within 30 days after the termination of residency.
      (4)   Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Councilmembers in office at the time this section takes effect shall continue in office until the expiration of the term to which he or she was elected. In the event a vacancy occurs before the expiration of the term of a Councilmember in office at the time this section takes effect, a person who is appointed or elected by special election to fill such vacancy may reside anywhere within the corporate boundaries of the city. A person appointed or elected to fill such a vacancy shall hold the office in accordance with general law and applicable provisions of the Santa Paula Municipal Code.
   (B)   Council districts and district elections. All five Councilmembers shall be elected on a "by-district" basis from the Council districts shown and numbered on the map titled “City of Santa Paula District Map” attached to Ord. 1327 as Exhibit A, a copy of which shall be on file in the City Clerk's office. In 2024, and every four years thereafter, the following two Council districts shall be elected by- district: District 1 and District 5. In 2026, and every four years thereafter, the following three Council districts shall be elected by-district: District 2; District 3; and District 4.
   (C)   Amendment of district boundaries. Pursuant to Elections Code § 21601, as it may be amended from time to time, the Council shall adjust the boundaries of any or all of the districts following each decennial federal census to ensure that the districts are in compliance with all applicable provisions of law.
(Ord. 1327, passed 3-15-23)