"Child nursery", as defined herein. The dwelling shall be the permanent residence of the operator. The land use authority will determine the maximum number of children to be allowed, and other requirements, depending upon specific conditions relating to the request.
Parking shall be as required by the land use authority. All other requirements of the zone shall be complied with.
"Home occupation", as defined herein, and approved by the land use authority staff, or as may be recommended to the land use authority for hearing.
Keeping of livestock animals or fowl subject to the conditions found in the modifying regulations of this zone.
Park or playground.
Public buildings.
Public utilities, including cable television.
Second dwelling - subject to modifying regulations in section 17.64.060 of this chapter.
Other uses recommended by the land use authority as being in harmony with the intent of the zone and similar in nature to the above listed uses. (Ord. 2009-12 § 1: Ord. 2008-11 § 1: Ord. 97-06 § 15-3)