16.04.020: SCOPE OF TITLE:
This title shall apply to all subdivisions located wholly or in part within the city. To further define the scope of this title, but not in derogation of its purpose or scope, no person shall:
   A.   Subdivide a parcel of land except in compliance with this title;
   B.   Sell, exchange, offer to sell, or offer to exchange any land which is part of a subdivision or a tract of land, offer for recording in the office of the Washington County recorder any deed conveying a parcel of land, or any interest in it, unless that parcel of land is part of a subdivision created pursuant to this title;
   C.   Offer to sell or lease, to contract to sell or lease, or to sell or lease a subdivision in whole or part until a final plat, in full compliance with this title, has been recorded in the office of the county recorder;
   D.   Further divide, rearrange, or reduce the area of a lot within a subdivision without first obtaining the approval of the planning commission and the city council as provided in this title (a person may combine lots within a subdivision to create larger lots upon planning commission approval, and may vacate side and rear lot easements by action of the city council);
   E.   Receive a building permit on a lot within a subdivision until all subdivision improvements, including roads, pavements, and utilities are installed, unless waived by the planning commission;
   F.   Occupy a building or structure within a subdivision until the city accepts the subdivision improvements, any buildings and all lots fully complying with the city's subdivision and zoning ordinances;
   G.   Sell any portion of an approved subdivision until the prospective buyer or builder is advised that occupancy permits will not be issued until all subdivision improvements are completed.
(Ord. 2023-21 :Ord. 2023-04 § 1: Ord. 2009-02 § 1)