It is unlawful for the owner or any other person occupying or having charge of any premises within the city which are located within three hundred feet (300') of a sewer main to dispose of sewage therefrom by any means other than by use of the city sewer system. It is unlawful to construct or to continue the use of any other sewage disposal system such as a privy, vault, cesspool, or septic tank on the property except by written approval of the city council in cases of undue hardship; provided, however, that use of a temporary sewage disposal system shall be provided for use on the sites of all construction of residential, business and other facilities within the city. All construction sites shall have placed thereon at least one Port-A-John facility which shall be maintained by the owner of the property and the contractor, and used by all construction personnel during the construction, unless the contractor has first arranged for other such facilities, acceptable to the building inspector, which is located within two hundred feet (200') of the construction site, to be used during the construction by all construction personnel. (Ord. 93-84 § 1: prior code § 14-220)