A.   The recorder shall cause a study to be made of the proposed business or relocation of any offensive business or establishment by city designee and by personnel engaged in the inspection of buildings and other facilities. A report and recommendation shall be made to the city council. The city council, after review, may grant to the applicant an opportunity to be heard and present additional facts. Thereafter the city council may:
      1.   Deny the application;
      2.   Recommend a modification thereof;
      3.   Grant a limited permit to enter into the business or make the change of location subject to the requirement that the business facility conform to standards established by the city council with reference to controlling the offensive features of the business.
   B.   In the event a permit is granted, it shall be subject to revocation either upon failure of the operator or owner to conduct his or her business in the manner specified by the city council at the time of granting of the permit, or because a change of circumstances makes the continued operation or maintenance of the business or facility a public nuisance.
   C.   The city council shall have power to revoke or modify the permission to operate and maintain the business in such manner as it deems necessary for the public good. (Ord. 2010-16: prior code § 10-242)