A.   An application for a permit required by this chapter shall be made in person by the persons requesting such permit upon forms available in the office of the city secretary. Such application form shall provide a space for the following information which must be furnished by the applicant:
      1.   The name, current and former residence and business addresses, current residence and business telephone numbers, and occupation of applicant; if applicable, the local address and telephone number where the applicant may be reached.
      2.   A valid driver's license number, expiration date and the state issuing it.
      3.   A physical description of the applicant which includes race, sex, height, weight, and hair and eye color.
      4.   Two (2) copies of a driver's license or ID card of the applicant's. One photograph shall be kept with the application and one photograph shall be attached to the permit.
      5.   A valid state identification card. Only nondrivers may submit other positive identification issued to the applicant by a governmental agency and the state issuing it.
      6.   A description of the goods to be sold, including brand name, if any. If the goods are to be shipped, the name, address and telephone number of the manufacturing location and/or shipping location.
      7.   The address of the location from which such goods shall be displayed to the public or offered for sale or a statement that the applicant will travel from door to door for the purpose of exhibiting or offering goods for sale.
      8.   The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the property at such location.
      9.   If the goods to be sold are transported in or displayed from a vehicle, the vehicle owner's name, address and telephone number and the vehicle's make, model, color, description, identification number and license number.
      10.   A statement that the applicant has not been convicted within the last ten (10) years of an offense:
         a.   Involving narcotics, dangerous drugs or crimes with dangerous weapons;
         b.   Involving the use of force and violence upon the person of another when the offense is designated as a felony in the state of conviction or this state;
         c.   Of fraud, misrepresentation, embezzlement, forgery or theft when such offense is designated as a felony in the state of conviction or this state; or
         d.   In a court of proper jurisdiction of violating this chapter at any time.
      11.   Such other information as may be required to complete an investigation as to the fitness of the applicant to conduct such business operation.
   B.   Each person making application for a permit required pursuant to this chapter shall swear or affirm that the information given on the application form is true and correct.
   C.   If the applicant proposes to display goods to the public or to offer such goods for sale from a designated location, the application form shall be accompanied by a written permit signed by the owner or the duly authorized agent of the owner of the property at the location from which the applicant proposes to display or to offer for sale any goods. Such permit shall state that said owner consents that the applicant may use and occupy such property for the purpose of selling or offering for sale such goods.
   D.   If state law requires that sales tax must be paid upon the purchase of such goods and/or services as the applicant proposes to offer for sale, the application for permit shall be accompanied by a valid sales tax permit issued by the office of the comptroller of public accounts of the state.
   E.   Each application shall bear the signature of the city secretary indicating that applicant's proposed use of property complies with the occupancy requirements of the city building code or that such requirement is inapplicable because the applicant will be authorized by the permit only to travel from door to door.
   F.   Each applicant who proposes to sell or offer for sale goods consisting of any raw, cooked or processed edible substance, ice, beverage or ingredient used or intended for use or for sale in whole or in part for human consumption shall secure on the application form for permit under this chapter the signature of the public health officer of the city and/or county indicating that such goods meet minimum food standards of the state.
   G.   Each application for a permit shall be approved by the chief of police or mayor and city secretary before such permit is granted. The chief of police shall have a reasonable time to conduct an investigation of an applicant for such permit, but such an investigation shall not be longer than five (5) business days. After inspection or investigation, the chief of police shall either approve or disapprove the application for permit and, if disapproved, shall give the applicant, upon request, a written statement setting forth the reasons for such disapproval and notifying the applicant of his right to appeal.
   H.   A permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter is issued with the express provision that the permit holder shall not make any false or fraudulent representation as to the goods and/or services to be sold or his authority to sell such goods and/or services or his identity. (2016 Code)