The public works department, with the approval of the city engineer, is authorized to place markers, buttons or signs within or adjacent to intersections indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at intersections, whether they are right or left turns.
It shall be unlawful for a driver of any vehicle to disobey the direction of turn indications when authorized markers, buttons or other indications are placed within an intersection indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning thereat. (Ord. 977, 6-13-1990)
Upon the recommendation of the police chief, and with the approval of the city engineer and city manager, the public works department may install restrictions on making left, right or U- turns at street intersections or at entries onto public streets or alleys from private driveways, parking lots or garages within the city. The making of such turns may be prohibited between certain hours of any day and permitted at other hours, in which event, the same shall be plainly indicated on the signs, or they may be removed when such turns are permitted.
It shall be unlawful for a driver of any vehicle to disobey the direction of any authorized sign prohibiting right, left or U- turns. (Ord. 977, 6-13-1990)
It shall be unlawful for a driver of any vehicle to make a right turn at a stop (red) traffic signal where such intersection is posted with a "No Right Turn On Red" sign. The city council shall establish by resolution, which may be amended from time to time, intersections where right turns are prohibited. Before the city council establishes such regulation, it shall receive a recommendation from the city engineer and city manager. (Ord. 977, 6-13-1990)
15.04.11: YIELD SIGNS:
The council may establish an intersection as a "Yield Intersection" pursuant to the California Vehicle Code by resolution, which may be amended from time to time. Before the city council establishes such intersection, it shall receive a recommendation from the city engineer and city manager. (Ord. 977, 6-13-1990)
The council may establish an intersection as a "Do Not Block Intersection" pursuant to the California Vehicle Code by resolution, which may be amended from time to time. Before the city council establishes such intersection, it shall receive a recommendation from the police chief and city manager. (Ord. 977, 6-13-1990)
The city council may approve by resolution the installation of stop signs when the city council finds that the following conditions have been met:
   A.   The traffic warrants established by the California department of transportation have been satisfied; or
   B.   One or more of the warrants below have been satisfied and installation of the stop sign at the specific location will enhance traffic safety:
      1.   Partial Stop Sign Control:
         a.   This warrant is used to provide positive right of way assignment at intersections with potential right angle conflicts. This warrant is satisfied at any intersection with three (3) or more legs. At unsignalized intersections with arterial streets, the local or collector street shall have stop sign control. At local street intersections, the approaches selected to stop sign control should support an areawide stop sign pattern which avoids creating unimpeded routes.
         b.   This warrant is used to decelerate traffic approaching a condition with adverse roadway geometry. This warrant is satisfied at an intersection of local and/or collector streets that is one hundred feet (100') or less upstream of any vertical curve, horizontal curve, visibility restriction, or other condition where the difference between the speed limit and design speed exceeds ten (10) miles per hour. Stop sign control is to be provided on the street with adverse geometry.
      2.   Channelized Right Turn: This warrant is used to assign right of way where right turns are made just outside of a signalized intersection. This warrant is satisfied when any of the following conditions are present:
         a.   The associated curb return radius is less than twenty feet (20');
         b.   There are thirty (30) or more pedestrians per hour during any hour of the day crossing the channelized right turn;
         c.   The associated cross traffic visibility is less than 5.5 seconds at prevailing speeds; or
         d.   Yield sign control has been shown to be inadequate.
      3.   All Way Stop Sign Control:
         a.   Minimum Volume: This warrant is used to identify locations with partial stop sign control where the volume of traffic entering the intersection is so high that there is likely to be an insufficient number of acceptable gaps to accommodate stop sign controlled cross traffic. This warrant is satisfied when the total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches averages at least five hundred (500) vehicles per hour during any six (6) hours of an average day, and the combined vehicular and pedestrian volumes entering the intersection from the minor street average at least two hundred (200) units per hour during the same six (6) hours. When the eighty fifth percentile approach speed of the major traffic exceeds forty (40) miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is seventy percent (70%) of these requirements.
         b.   Accident Experience: This warrant is used to identify locations with partial stop sign control where an accident pattern has developed that is susceptible to correction. This warrant is satisfied if either of the following conditions is met:
            (1)   The intersection has experienced three (3) or more reported accidents in the most recent twelve (12) month period; or
            (2)   The intersection has experienced two (2) reported accidents per year during any two (2) years of the most recent four (4) year period.
The accidents shall be of a type susceptible to correction with all way stop sign control and where an adequate trial with partial stop sign control has proven to be unsatisfactory.
      4.   Interim Installation: This warrant is used to provide all way stop sign control on an interim basis when traffic signal control is warranted and arrangements are underway for the signal installation. This warrant is satisfied on two (2) lane local or collector streets, or on low volume arterial streets when the need for traffic signal control is urgent.
      5.   Restricted Visibility: This warrant is used to provide additional right of way assignment at intersections with restricted visibility. This warrant is satisfied where cross traffic visibility on stop sign controlled approaches at the intersection of local and/or collector streets is less than one hundred forty feet (140').
      6.   Midblock Crosswalk: This warrant is used to provide positive right of way assignment for pedestrians crossing at a midblock crosswalk. This warrant is satisfied where a marked crosswalk has been established at a midblock location on a local or collector street without signal control or warning beacons.
      7.   Special Facilities: This warrant is used to provide additional right of way assignment at intersections near institutions primarily serving the youth, elderly and disabled. This warrant is satisfied at the intersection of local and/or collector streets without signal control or warning beacons less than one block from:
         a.   A public or private elementary or middle school.
         b.   A public library.
         c.   A recreation center or playground used by children under twelve (12) years of age.
         d.   A senior citizen center.
         e.   A medical center or clinic.
         f.   A center serving the visually, mentally, or physically impaired.
      8.   Excessive Speeds: This warrant is used to discourage excessive speeds on residentially developed local and collector streets where speed humps or tables are not feasible or desirable. This warrant is satisfied where the eighty fifth percentile speed on the street to be controlled exceeds the speed threshold shown in the table below and the distance between current stop signs and/or traffic signals on the street to be controlled exceeds the distance threshold show in the table below. Application of this warrant generally results in all way stop sign control, but can result in partial stop sign control, if the controlled approaches are reversed.
Speed Threshold
Distance Threshold
30 mph
1,000 feet
35 mph
2,000 feet
      9.   Excessive Through Traffic On Local Streets: This warrant is used to discourage excessive through traffic on residentially developed local streets. Application of this warrant can result in partial stop sign control if the controlled approaches are reversed. This warrant is satisfied where both conditions below apply:
         a.   The volume on the street to be controlled exceeds one thousand (1,000) vehicles per day and is at least twenty five percent (25%) greater than that on similar adjacent parallel streets; and
         b.   The distance between current stop signs exceeds one thousand feet (1,000').
      10.   Excessive Through Traffic On Collector Streets: This warrant is used to discourage excessive through traffic on residentially developed collector streets. Collector streets are identified in community plans. This warrant is satisfied where the daily volume on the collector street exceeds the volume of trips estimated to be generated by the dwelling units served by the collector street in the absence of specific data, the threshold volume is considered to be the product of fifteen (15) multiplied by the number of dwelling units generally within one-eighth (1/8) mile parallel to the collector street and between arterial street and/or collector street crossings. (Ord. 0-01-1147, 3-14-2001)