A.   Civil Fine Amount: The amount of each fine shall be set forth in a resolution adopted by the City Council. If a violation is classified as an infraction under this Code, the civil fine shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a first offense, two hundred dollars ($200.00) for a second offense within one year, and five hundred dollars ($500.00) for a third offense within one year as set forth in California Government Code section 36900(b). Fines for violations that are classified as misdemeanors under this Code shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). The amounts of such fines may be modified from time to time by a resolution of the City Council.
   B.   Late Payment Charge: Any responsible person who fails to pay to the City on or before the due date any civil fine imposed, shall be liable for the payment of a late payment charge as established by a resolution adopted by the City Council. In the absence of such resolution, the late payment charge for payments received after the due date shall be fifty percent (50%) of the civil fine.
   C.   Interest: The city council may, by resolution, also establish and impose a daily interest charge on civil fines that are not fully paid to the city on the due date. Interest shall not be imposed on a late charge, and shall not exceed the maximum allowable rate allowed by law. The rate of interest and the commencement of its accrual may be modified from time to time by a resolution of the city council.
   D.   Payment Location: Civil fines and any late charges and interest due shall be paid to the city at such location or address as stated in the citation.
   E.   Due Date: The civil fine shall be paid within 30 days of the issuance of a citation or, if contested, within 30 days of an order to pay pursuant to a decision by a hearing officer or judicial officer confirming the fine. Thereafter, a late charge and interest shall be due and owing.
   F.   Effect Of Payment: Payment of a civil fine shall not excuse or discharge a responsible person from the duty to immediately abate a violation of this code, nor from any other responsibility or legal consequences for a continuation or repeated occurrence(s) of a violation of this code.
   G.   Effect Of Abatement: Abatement of a violation shall not excuse the obligation of the responsible person to pay a civil fine, or any late charges or interest imposed on its untimely payment.
   H.   Debt To City: Unpaid civil fines and/or late charges, as well as interest thereon, shall be a personal obligation and debt of the responsible person which may be collected by the city in any manner allowed by law, including filing of a civil or small claims action in the Los Angeles Superior Court, the recordation of a lien with the Los Angeles County Recorder’s Office against citee-owned property that was the subject of the citation, by means of collecting the debt using the California Franchise Tax Board “Inter-Agency Offset Program” (pursuant to § 12419.10 of the California Government Code), and/or by denying the issuance or renewal of any city approval, license, permit, or other entitlement to any citee who has failed to tender all unpaid administrative fines, late penalty charges, or interest charges. The remedies set forth in this article are not exclusive and may be used in addition to those set forth elsewhere in this code or by law.
   I.   Attorney Fees: The city shall be entitled to recover its attorney fees and all related collection costs arising from any action to collect or foreclose any confirmed, final or uncontested civil fine, late charge or other fee imposed and unpaid pursuant to the procedures set forth in this article. (Ord. 0-07-1189, 9-12-2007; amd. Ord. 0-08-1202, 3-19-2008; Ord. 0-18-1335, 4-11-2018; Ord. O-22-1389, 4-13-2022)