Filming activity may not include the following:
   A.   Performing animals.
   B.   Gunshots or gunshot-like sounds.
   C.   Blocking of Public Right of Way without City permission.
   D.   Vehicle stunts and chase scenes.
   E.   Helicopter use.
   F.   Nudity in the view from any public right of way.
   G.   Amplified noise louder than allowed under Chapter 14, Article 4 of the Municipal Code.
   H.   Pyrotechnics, open flame, or explosive effects.
   I.   References, shots, or film footage of exteriors of City landmarks, City seal, location identifiers/street signage, City entrance markers, City-owned vehicles and buildings, and private property addresses, without expressed permission from the City Council. (Ord. O-22-1393, 7-29-2022)