(A) Name; purpose. The leadership group of the SJCLHCC shall be known as the Executive Committee. The purpose of the Executive Committee is annually:
(1) To set priorities for homelessness services and housing based on analysis of community data and need, in accordance with HUD and the state;
(2) To make funding recommendations to the collaborative applicant for the annual allocation from the U.S. Department of HUD;
(3) To assure that programs receiving HUD funding are appropriately monitored and meet program performance standards;
(4) To identify additional funding sources that contribute to the community’s ability to respond to homeless populations; and
(5) To monitor the effective functioning of the LHCC, including review of attendance.
(B) Membership. The member membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of Chair, Co-Chair, PIT Count Lead, Coordinated Entry Lead and Secretary.
(C) Terms of service. Executive members shall be elected for two years and may stand for reelection upon the completion of their terms.
(D) Chairmanship. The chairmanship of the Executive Committee shall be a locally elected official and terms of service shall be for two years.
(E) Meetings. The Chair will call meetings as deemed necessary.
(F) Conflicts of interest. It is the policy of the SJCLHCC that a conflict, or the appearance of a conflict between the SJCLHCC-decision making entity and the organizations receiving awards of grants shall in all cases be avoided. All members of the SJCLHCC decision-making entity shall absent themselves from discussing and voting on projects in which they or their agency have a financial or potential financial interest.
(Ord. 2020-09, passed 5-5-2020)