§ 153.094 SIGNS.
   (A)   Business signs shall be allowed after approval of a “request for business sign permit” and shall be governed by federal and state highway rules and regulations; provided that, the Planning Commission may require that signs shall not exceed one square foot of sign area for each one linear foot of street frontage abutting the development portion of the property; provided that, any one sign for any one business shall not exceed 100 square feet in total surface area and the number of signs for each business may not exceed three, the total area of which shall not exceed the total sign area allowance.
   (B)   Non-business signs shall be permitted or provided with no more than two signs for each use or occupancy. The total allowable square footage for signage are as follows:
      (1)   Development: maximum 40 square feet;
      (2)   Civic: maximum 14 square feet;
      (3)   Real estate: maximum 32 square feet; and
      (4)   Residential: maximum two square feet.
   (C)   All signs are to be flat wall or freestanding and such signs shall not be revolving or have moving parts, flashing or intermittent lighting.
(Ord. passed 9- -2011)